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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn International relations. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 9, 2014

Lập trường của Đài Loan về vấn đề biển Đông

Tổng thống Đài Loan Mã Anh Cửu

Dưới  tiêu đề  "Đài Loan không muốn bị loại khỏi các cuộc đàm phán Biển Đông"  tờ Taiwan Today ngày 2/9/2014 đưa tin  Tổng thống Mã Anh Cửu phát biểu  tại Đài Bắc hôm thứ hai khi đến xem một cuộc triển lãm về những sử liệu về biên cương phía nam của Đài Loan, trong đó có những hình ảnh và tư liệu mà Đài Bắc cho là chứng minh chủ quyền của Trung Hoa Dân Quốc ở Biển Đông.

Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 7, 2014

Hòa hoãn thay đối đầu?

Tàu Việt Nam và Trung Quốc đối đầu trong vụ giàn khoan
Vụ giàn khoan 981 mà Trung Quốc hạ đặt trong vùng biển gần quần đảo Hoàng Sa đã thu hút chú ý của dư luận quốc tế.
Bắc Kinh đã quyết định di dời giàn khoan này sớm hơn thời hạn một tháng, phần nào giải tỏa căng thẳng giữa Việt Nam và Trung Quốc. Thế nhưng theo một số nhà quan sát, như Tiến sỹ Zachary Abuza - chuyên gia về chính trị học Đông Nam Á, sự kiện giàn khoan cho thấy nguy cơ chia rẽ to lớn trong nội bộ ban lãnh đạo Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam.
Trong bài viết đăng trên mạng Asia Times Online, Tiến sỹ Abuza nhận định rằng Việt Nam tỏ ra không đủ sức để đáp trả sự khiêu khích trên biển của Trung Quốc.
"Nhưng tác hại lớn nhất là hành động của Trung Quốc đã cho thấy sự chia rẽ nghiêm trọng trong giới lãnh đạo cao cấp của Đảng về cách thức phản ứng đối với sự hung hăng của Bắc Kinh."

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 4, 2013

những bức ảnh hiếm có về lịch sử

Here under are some photos and descriptions that tell us what it was
like to be there and, perhaps, surprise us with something we didn't know and haven't seen (Hundred Viet/s collection from internets)
                   A boxing match on board the USS Oregon in 1897.
Albert                                                           Einstein.
Albert Einstein looking fabulous.
Albert                                                           Einstein's                                                           Diploma
Here's his report card!
Real                                                           Samurai
Samurai taken between 1860 and 1880.

A shell shocked reindeer looks on as World War II planes drop bombs on Russia in 1941
Disney                                                           brothers,                                                           wives and mom                                                           when they                                                           opened the                                                           studio
Roy O. and Walt Disney on the day they opened Disney Studios.
Che                                                           Guevara.
Che Guevara.
Microsoft                                                           Staff Photo                                                           1978
The Microsoft staff in 1978.
BILL GATES front left.

The last known Tasmanian Tiger photographed
in 1933. The species is now extinct.
Tank Man                                                           Tiananmen                                                           square
A different angle taken of "Tank Man," the man who stood against a line of tanks in
Tiananmen Square.  He is standing in the street between the tree trunk and the fleeing man.
You can see the tanks approaching from the right.
Winston                                                           Churchill.
Winston Churchill out for a swim.

The London sky following a
bombing and dogfight between
British and German planes in 1940.
Martin                                                           Luther king                                                           and his son
Martin Luther King, Jr removes a burned cross from his yard in 1960. The boy is his son.
Google                                                           Start
Google begins.

Nagasaki , 20 minutes after
the atomic bombing in 1945.
Native                                                           Railroad                                                           overlook
A Native American overlooking the newly completed transcontinental railroad in 1868.
great                                                           fire and                                                           earthquake in                                                           San Francisco                                                           April 18th,                                                           1906
The Great 1906 San Francisco
Fire and Earthquake of .

A Japanese plane is shot down during the
Battle of Saipan in 1944.
McDonald's                                                           Ronald 1963
The original Ronald McDonald --
played by Willard Scott!
Hitler in Paris .
Halifax                                                           airport plane
Grounded aircraft on September 11, 2001
await orders.

British SAS back from a three month long
patrol of North Africa , January 18, 1943.
Disney                                                           Cafeteria
Disneyland employee cafeteria in 1961.
First                                                           McDonalds
The first McDonalds.

Fidel Castro lays a wreath
at the Lincoln Memorial.
Lumberjacks                                                           in California
Lumberjacks                                                           in California
California lumberjacks work on Redwoods.
Beatles                                                           at the age of                                                           15
Franz                                                           Ferdinand with                                                           his wife
Archduke Franz Ferdinand with his wife on the day
they were assassinated in 1914,
an event that helped spark World War I.

The 1912 World Series.
Hilary                                                           and Bill                                                           Clinton
Bill and Hillary Clinton
playing volleyball in 1975.
Elves                                                           Presley in the                                                           Army
Elvis in the Army.
Machu                                                           Picchu                                                           discovery
The first photo following the discovery of
Machu Pichu in 1912.

Child laborers in 1880.
Time                                                           Square approx.                                                           1911
New York 's Times Square in 1911.
Construction of Christ the Redeemer
in Rio da Janeiro , Brazil .
Mississippi                                                           Steamboats
Steamboats on the Mississippi River in 1907.

Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his
grandchildren in 1909.
The                                                           Beatles and                                                           Muhammad Ali
The Beatles meet Muhammad Ali.
Disneyland                                                           Construction
The construction of Disneyland .
Arnold                                                           Schawrzenegger                                                           on the day of                                                           citizenship
Arnold Schwarzenegger on the day
he received his
American citizenship.

Fourteen year-old Osama bin Laden.
He's second from the right.
Construction                                                           of the Statue                                                           of Liberty                                                           1884
Construction of the Statue of Liberty in

photos and descriptions that tell us what it was
like to be there and, perhaps, surprise us with something we didn't know and haven't seen.
                   A boxing match on board the USS Oregon in 1897.
Albert                                                           Einstein.
Albert Einstein looking fabulous.
Albert                                                           Einstein's                                                           Diploma
Here's his report card!
Real                                                           Samurai
Samurai taken between 1860 and 1880.

A shell shocked reindeer looks on as World War II planes drop bombs on Russia in 1941
Disney                                                           brothers,                                                           wives and mom                                                           when they                                                           opened the                                                           studio
Roy O. and Walt Disney on the day they opened Disney Studios.
Che                                                           Guevara.
Che Guevara.
Microsoft                                                           Staff Photo                                                           1978
The Microsoft staff in 1978.
BILL GATES front left.

The last known Tasmanian Tiger photographed
in 1933. The species is now extinct.
Tank Man                                                           Tiananmen                                                           square
A different angle taken of "Tank Man," the man who stood against a line of tanks in
Tiananmen Square.  He is standing in the street between the tree trunk and the fleeing man.
You can see the tanks approaching from the right.
Winston                                                           Churchill.
Winston Churchill out for a swim.

The London sky following a
bombing and dogfight between
British and German planes in 1940.
Martin                                                           Luther king                                                           and his son
Martin Luther King, Jr removes a burned cross from his yard in 1960. The boy is his son.
Google                                                           Start
Google begins.

Nagasaki , 20 minutes after
the atomic bombing in 1945.
Native                                                           Railroad                                                           overlook
A Native American overlooking the newly completed transcontinental railroad in 1868.
great                                                           fire and                                                           earthquake in                                                           San Francisco                                                           April 18th,                                                           1906
The Great 1906 San Francisco
Fire and Earthquake of .

A Japanese plane is shot down during the
Battle of Saipan in 1944.
McDonald's                                                           Ronald 1963
The original Ronald McDonald --
played by Willard Scott!
Hitler in Paris .
Halifax                                                           airport plane
Grounded aircraft on September 11, 2001
await orders.

British SAS back from a three month long
patrol of North Africa , January 18, 1943.
Disney                                                           Cafeteria
Disneyland employee cafeteria in 1961.
First                                                           McDonalds
The first McDonalds.

Fidel Castro lays a wreath
at the Lincoln Memorial.
Lumberjacks                                                           in California
Lumberjacks                                                           in California
California lumberjacks work on Redwoods.
Beatles                                                           at the age of                                                           15
Franz                                                           Ferdinand with                                                           his wife
Archduke Franz Ferdinand with his wife on the day
they were assassinated in 1914,
an event that helped spark World War I.

The 1912 World Series.
Hilary                                                           and Bill                                                           Clinton
Bill and Hillary Clinton
playing volleyball in 1975.
Elves                                                           Presley in the                                                           Army
Elvis in the Army.
Machu                                                           Picchu                                                           discovery
The first photo following the discovery of
Machu Pichu in 1912.

Child laborers in 1880.
Time                                                           Square approx.                                                           1911
New York 's Times Square in 1911.
Construction of Christ the Redeemer
in Rio da Janeiro , Brazil .
Mississippi                                                           Steamboats
Steamboats on the Mississippi River in 1907.

Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his
grandchildren in 1909.
The                                                           Beatles and                                                           Muhammad Ali
The Beatles meet Muhammad Ali.
Disneyland                                                           Construction
The construction of Disneyland .
Arnold                                                           Schawrzenegger                                                           on the day of                                                           citizenship
Arnold Schwarzenegger on the day
he received his
American citizenship.

Fourteen year-old Osama bin Laden.
He's second from the right.
Construction                                                           of the Statue                                                           of Liberty                                                           1884
Construction of the Statue of Liberty in

photos and descriptions that tell us what it was
like to be there and, perhaps, surprise us with something we didn't know and haven't seen.
                   A boxing match on board the USS Oregon in 1897.
Albert                                                           Einstein.
Albert Einstein looking fabulous.
Albert                                                           Einstein's                                                           Diploma
Here's his report card!
Real                                                           Samurai
Samurai taken between 1860 and 1880.

A shell shocked reindeer looks on as World War II planes drop bombs on Russia in 1941
Disney                                                           brothers,                                                           wives and mom                                                           when they                                                           opened the                                                           studio
Roy O. and Walt Disney on the day they opened Disney Studios.
Che                                                           Guevara.
Che Guevara.
Microsoft                                                           Staff Photo                                                           1978
The Microsoft staff in 1978.
BILL GATES front left.

The last known Tasmanian Tiger photographed
in 1933. The species is now extinct.
Tank Man                                                           Tiananmen                                                           square
A different angle taken of "Tank Man," the man who stood against a line of tanks in
Tiananmen Square.  He is standing in the street between the tree trunk and the fleeing man.
You can see the tanks approaching from the right.
Winston                                                           Churchill.
Winston Churchill out for a swim.

The London sky following a
bombing and dogfight between
British and German planes in 1940.
Martin                                                           Luther king                                                           and his son
Martin Luther King, Jr removes a burned cross from his yard in 1960. The boy is his son.
Google                                                           Start
Google begins.

Nagasaki , 20 minutes after
the atomic bombing in 1945.
Native                                                           Railroad                                                           overlook
A Native American overlooking the newly completed transcontinental railroad in 1868.
great                                                           fire and                                                           earthquake in                                                           San Francisco                                                           April 18th,                                                           1906
The Great 1906 San Francisco
Fire and Earthquake of .

A Japanese plane is shot down during the
Battle of Saipan in 1944.
McDonald's                                                           Ronald 1963
The original Ronald McDonald --
played by Willard Scott!
Hitler in Paris .
Halifax                                                           airport plane
Grounded aircraft on September 11, 2001
await orders.

British SAS back from a three month long
patrol of North Africa , January 18, 1943.
Disney                                                           Cafeteria
Disneyland employee cafeteria in 1961.
First                                                           McDonalds
The first McDonalds.

Fidel Castro lays a wreath
at the Lincoln Memorial.
Lumberjacks                                                           in California
Lumberjacks                                                           in California
California lumberjacks work on Redwoods.
Beatles                                                           at the age of                                                           15
Franz                                                           Ferdinand with                                                           his wife
Archduke Franz Ferdinand with his wife on the day
they were assassinated in 1914,
an event that helped spark World War I.

The 1912 World Series.
Hilary                                                           and Bill                                                           Clinton
Bill and Hillary Clinton
playing volleyball in 1975.
Elves                                                           Presley in the                                                           Army
Elvis in the Army.
Machu                                                           Picchu                                                           discovery
The first photo following the discovery of
Machu Pichu in 1912.

Child laborers in 1880.
Time                                                           Square approx.                                                           1911
New York 's Times Square in 1911.
Construction of Christ the Redeemer
in Rio da Janeiro , Brazil .
Mississippi                                                           Steamboats
Steamboats on the Mississippi River in 1907.

Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his
grandchildren in 1909.
The                                                           Beatles and                                                           Muhammad Ali
The Beatles meet Muhammad Ali.
Disneyland                                                           Construction
The construction of Disneyland .
Arnold                                                           Schawrzenegger                                                           on the day of                                                           citizenship
Arnold Schwarzenegger on the day
he received his
American citizenship.

Fourteen year-old Osama bin Laden.
He's second from the right.
Construction                                                           of the Statue                                                           of Liberty                                                           1884
Construction of the Statue of Liberty in

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